John McCainHandwriting Analysis for John McCain

Personal Dynamics

With his high level of determination in the face of opposition, John is the very definition of the word "persistent." He simply will not stop until he has reached the level of achievement that he is working towards. Consistent and reliable in his attitudes and behavior, John follows through on promises and commitments. He may not always go strictly by the book, but he gets things done. Moderately independent, he is also comfortable asking the opinions of those whom he respects. He has little difficulty changing horses midstream and adapting to a new course of action when necessary. At the same time, John is not a pushover and knows when it is time to call a halt to compromise. John has the strength of his convictions and enough willpower to see him through. However, he also is flexible enough to change his course of action if it is not bringing him the results he seeks. John is willing to make the first move without waiting for a set of blueprints to guide him, provided he is on familiar ground. In strange surroundings he would rather step back and assess the situation first.

Motivating Forces

Creating equilibrium is very important to John. He can handle a certain amount of discord, but if it goes on for very long he will either become very unhappy or take his leave. John is creative in a conventional way. In other words, he can improve on existing models without making drastic changes. John has a need for freedom. He can make a commitment to a course of action or a relationship, but the arrangement also needs to include some freedom to do his own thing from time to time.

Ego Strength

He has a well-developed ego that allows him to acknowledge compliments when they are deserved. However, he probably doesn't brag about his accomplishments. His need to be true to himself prompts John to give what he feels he ought, besides serving his own needs. Although John's behavior is usually not overtly aggressive, he asserts himself when he feels strongly about the subject matter. Most of the time he finds it easier just to let something relatively minor go than make a fuss over it. If all do not notice his accomplishments, it does not trouble him. A personal sense of pride is enough reward for him. He has a moderate sense of self-confidence when it comes to taking on new responsibilities. He believes in his ability to handle major undertakings successfully if they are within the realm of his experience. Although he is not a shrinking violet, neither does he seek out a great deal of public recognition or acknowledgment.

Defenses & Controls

Perfectionists are not easy associates with whom to be affiliated. Others may complain that he is rigid, which can have a negative impact on relationships, both at work and at home. Although he does not entirely cut himself off from others, he does draw clear social limits. A certain amount of self-protectiveness prompts him to keep much of himself private. Although you could not exactly describe John as free and easy, neither is he particularly inhibited when it comes to controlling his impulses. He has cultivated a balance between these two aspects of his personality.

Intellectual Functions

His strong analytical ability and exploratory mind are behind great "moving and shaking" in his environment. He has a capacity for analyzing what is needed in a given situation that makes him a valuable asset in a position of responsibility. He is not someone who builds castles in the air, daydreaming his way through life. Still, he is not 100% practical either. He has learned to get his needs met by combining common sense and whimsy. He is not much of a dreamer, which does not mean he doesn't have his private hopes and wishes. He has enough imagination to create what he wants for himself. Despite his propensity for fact-finding, more often than not, he finds that information initially gleaned through his intuitive processes was correct.

Interpersonal Functions

He tries to see the lighter side when things are not going well. His sense of humor helps him bounce back and boost his resilience. For him, quality of friendships definitely takes precedence over quantity. He does not give his friendship indiscriminately, but is selective in building a close inner circle of acquaintances. While he may fluff off criticism and react to it complacently on the outside, his ego probably bruises in a tough situation. He is sensitive to the feelings of others and takes care not to tread on tender toes if at all possible. When circumstances leave John feeling discouraged or disappointed, he is able to work through the difficult situation and regain his sense of hopefulness.

Communication Skills

John expresses his feelings and opinions when appropriate, holding back when it is not. His emotional responses are generally moderate, and it is a rare occasion when he allows his emotions to carry him away. Those who are totally frank and outspoken with their views make John feel uncomfortable. He doesn't see why they feel compelled to share their opinions so candidly. When it comes to expressing his own viewpoint, he is careful to frame it in language that will be acceptable to everyone present.

Work Style

If you want him to do something, ask nicely. His cooperative nature distinguishes John as someone who is more than willing to participate on a team project. However, if the pressure is turned up too high, he is likely to retreat to a quiet place on his own. Dependable and conscientious, John does what is required of him. He sets comfortable parameters and stays within them as much as possible. Conventionality aside however, he has the curiosity to investigate more avant-garde possibilities from time to time. He is more relaxed after setting up a schedule and knowing how the day is going to progress than leaving things unsettled and open.

Management Skills

When there is an opportunity to be in charge, he is capable of handling it. John's style of conflict resolution is to go by the book. He may miss seeing the whole picture because he is so concerned with making sure he adheres to company policy. Consequently, he tends to ignore the personalities involved, in favor of the "letter of the law." When John is in familiar surroundings, performing familiar tasks, he usually trusts his instincts. However, if he tries something new and it does not work out well, it may be a while before he gets up the nerve to try it again, but try again he will.

CEO Job Match Rating

John's CEO job match rating is 62.00%.

John McCain handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.