Orrin HatchHandwriting Analysis for Orrin Hatch

Personal Dynamics

He doesn't have a tremendous amount of endurance or determination, so he can be most successful at handling short-term projects where he can see quick results. Flexible and ready to adapt, he has no trouble adjusting his plans and schedule. He jumps from one thing to another with a minimum of stress. It doesn't seem to bother him if he has to drop what he is doing before it is complete in order to handle a more pressing matter. His reactions under pressure vary according to the situation. Normally he is able to keep his emotions well in hand, but when the stress is turned up high his willpower becomes a bit shaky. Orrin can usually be counted on to do his best and produce as expected. He is inclined to do what is asked of him if it does not interfere too much with his own needs. When he has an opportunity to take the initiative, Orrin prefers to take enough time to back up his judgments with facts and figures before proceeding.

Motivating Forces

His quick grasp on new ideas gives him the creative edge. Because he doesn't feel bound to do things in conventional ways, a whole realm of possibilities exists. As soon as he hears a problem he doesn't have to wait to hear the whole story but immediately begins to envision innovative solutions. Autonomy, otherwise known as "elbow room," is a vital component of Orrin's everyday life. Do not try to hem him in with tight time schedules, lack of resources, or strict supervision. It will not work. Orrin is a peace-lover who prefers to negotiate a settlement when there is disagreement, rather than fight it out, if that is a possibility. If it is not, he will do what he can to quickly resolve the situation and get things back to normal.

Ego Strength

His public reputation is important to him and he does his best to protect it. However, his sense of pride aside, he is also fairly independent of others' evaluations. That means, when he comes under attack, he does not always feel called upon to defend his good name. He may not be overtly outgoing, but in his unassuming way can create a subtly dramatic atmosphere. If he sees areas where change might benefit him he takes the necessary steps. He asserts himself when absolutely necessary, but his first choice is to create mutually beneficial situations where everyone is satisfied. He is modest about his accomplishments, but not to the point of being unable to accept a compliment. Orrin feels confident in familiar situations, dealing with people he knows. But even in circumstances where he feels out of his depth, apprehension does not stop him from venturing forward.

Defenses & Controls

His casual attitude may be annoying to those who insist upon perfection, but to Orrin it is more important to enjoy what he is doing than to keep reworking it to make it even better. Orrin struggles to maintain a reasonable balance between the various aspects of his personality, but sometimes he feels as if he is fighting a losing battle. It is as if his impulses were the rider and he the horse. He is less interested in acquiring new possessions than in maintaining what is already his. He has no difficulty letting go when something has outlived its usefulness. Orrin can keep a secret when it is really important, but it may be better not to open him up to temptation, just in case. He might inadvertently let something slip, and then he'd feel just terrible.

Intellectual Functions

He has a more or less common sense, rational approach both to problems and opportunities, seeking answers based on facts. Yet, neither is he totally earthbound. There are many times when whimsy plays an important part. Typically, he is satisfied to accept current operational philosophy, rather than spending a lot of time investigating further on his own. Although he may not fully understand the need of some people to minutely analyze each fact, however, when analysis is called for, he has the capacity to make the necessary evaluation. When standard methods are not working for him he uses his imagination to invent more effective ways of dealing with problems. Sometimes he uses intuitive thought processes, but when it is really important to be completely accurate, he takes the time to back up his first impressions with facts and data.

Interpersonal Functions

His ability to laugh with others and at himself keeps Orrin from becoming too rigid. You can expect Orrin to express his affection in more or less conventional ways, remembering birthdays and anniversaries with appropriate cards and gifts, doing the traditional things at holidays. He recognizes when offering a helping hand is appropriate and when it is better to stand back. Even though his heart may be saying one thing, his head tells him the degree of sensitivity that is called for. He maintains a fairly even emotional keel and is consistent in his responses. When bad things happen he is able to bounce back from them in a reasonable amount of time.

Communication Skills

He keeps his personal feelings to himself when he is not in full agreement with others. He is not the sort to bluntly say what is on his mind without first considering who he is talking to. If he knows the other person is very sensitive he will usually be more diplomatic.

Work Style

Strongly task-oriented, he is prone to do things himself than delegate assignments to others. He has a puritan work ethic that keeps his nose to the grindstone. Difficulty in setting priorities gets in the way of Orrin's ambitions. He values supportive team-members, as well as finding opportunities to be supportive of others. He wants everyone to like each other, and when they do, he finds it easier to be a contributing member of the group. He is capable of calling on his inner resources to find answers to problems; but you will usually find him opting for the conservative path when problems arise, using solutions that have worked for him before.

Management Skills

When in a traditional power structure where the lines of authority are clearly drawn, Orrin stays within his assigned place. Due to a tendency to adhere to the status quo, Orrin may have some trouble dealing with conflict. When he has the right knowledge and equipment to operate effectively, you can expect him to do a good job without constant supervision. He has a sense of purpose and aspires to complete what he starts.

CEO Job Match Rating

Orrin's CEO job match rating is 61.49%.

Orrin Hatch handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.