Steve ForbesHandwriting Analysis for Steve Forbes

Personal Dynamics

He goes by the book, following accepted procedures and staying close to the accepted boundaries. Steve doesn't adapt quickly nor easily accept rapid changes in the environment. He is far more comfortable with accepted ideas and principles, and takes his time to become acquainted with anything new. Steve prefers to take on projects that do not require a substantial investment of time and patience. His ability to make necessary adjustments in a variety of circumstances indicates a certain amount of independence and autonomy. He has the capacity to act in cooperation with others or independently, depending on the situation. He tries not to set his sights higher than his willpower can support. He looks ahead and calculates what he will need to meet his objectives. It is important to him to make sure he is able to sustain the required level of effort to complete what has to be done. When a project becomes routine and boring, he may be tempted to give up before completing the assignment. It will take some pats on the back and a few words of encouragement to get him back on track. Allowing his instincts to guide him when opportunities arise usually serves him well. When he is comfortable in a situation, it is easy for him to take the initiative.

Motivating Forces

While a pleasant, harmonious environment is probably Steve's first choice, he can deal with a moderate amount of dissonance. The main point is, it shouldn't continue for too long. Going out of his way to create something entirely new and different on his own may be of only minimal interest, but Steve is willing to entertain an innovative idea if someone offers it to him. Steve has a moderate need for freedom. Committing to a steady routine is not entirely unattractive to him, but he also needs some autonomy in his life.

Ego Strength

He has developed a pleasant symmetry and poise in his personality, having taken to heart the lessons that experience has taught him and put them into practice. His level of integrity seems to be about average. Steve won't push too hard for his rights, unless doing nothing would substantially interfere with his comfort. He prefers not to have to assert himself when a more cooperative spirit works for him. He is not the sort of person who feels compelled to push his own opinions and needs ahead of everyone else's. He has enough self-esteem to know his own rightful place in the world. Instead of being crushed by mistakes or disagreeable events in his life, he uses them as building blocks to increase his self-confidence and dignity. Although Steve does not expend much effort on drawing attention to himself, neither does he shun it when it comes to him.

Defenses & Controls

Steve seems to worry a lot, especially when he thinks that some small detail might have been left undone. If you borrow something from Steve, be sure to return it in mint condition, or you will certainly hear about it from him. He is very attached to his things and once he has ownership is very reluctant to give anything up. Although Steve is not exactly secretive, neither is he likely to indulge in idle gossip. He is congenial but circumspect in creating social boundaries. He is basically an emotionally responsive person who makes an effort to contain his impulses until the time is right to express them.

Intellectual Functions

He is not bound by the limitations of his everyday existence, but puts his imagination to use in planning for the future. Mentally picturing the things he wants to do, even though they may seem like a distant dream for the moment, helps him turn them into a reality. A clear, analytical mind with a thirst for knowledge gives him the ability to instantly grasp new concepts. He is rarely satisfied with just the facts, but always digs deeper for the harder-to-access information. Rather than relying on his intuition, Steve favors a more logical approach. He is apt to be at ease with fact-based, analytical thinking. He usually demonstrates common sense when making decisions. Once in a while though, his personal feelings may get the better of him and color the final outcome.

Interpersonal Functions

Steve has a sense of humor and enjoys a good joke with the best of them. When meeting someone new, making the first move and offering the hand of friendship is not as easy for Steve as it is for some. However, his natural charm and warmth soon take over and he becomes more congenial. A sense of empathy motivates him to lend a listening ear to those who need it. Yet, he is careful not to allow others' problems to become burdensome to him. When Steve is feeling down and depressed, afraid that his hopes and dreams are not going to materialize, he is apt to engage in positive self-talk. He tells himself that tomorrow is another day and things are bound to get better.

Communication Skills

Steve prides himself on being completely up-front and candid. You could never accuse him of trying to avoid giving a direct answer. In spite of Steve's tendency to quickly respond everything that is going on in his environment, he also can keep his feelings to himself until the time is right.

Work Style

His energy seems boundless. He more than pulls his weight on the job and expects everyone else to do the same. Friends and acquaintances may envy his low anxiety level, but not his lack of preparedness. Others may find themselves frustrated when forced to wait for him to provide information or support. Steve is responsive to the needs of the others in a group as long as he does not feel they are taking advantage of him. He likes getting together and collaborating as a team member, as well as spending time on his own, pondering the group discussion. While Steve does not always like the status quo, he is likely to go along with it anyway. His conservative values sometimes make it hard for him to accept changes, however if he keeps an open mind, he can eventually make the necessary adjustments.

Management Skills

His innate ability to create structure and order out of chaos encourages others look to him for direction. He is not someone who just lets things happen on their own--he makes them happen! Steve can sell his personal vision to others and motivate them to productive action. He trusts his gut instincts, and is usually right in his assessment of a situation. He is not afraid to try, try again when things do not work well the first time, and uses his ingenuity to find alternate methods. Steve's style of conflict resolution is to go by the book. He may miss seeing the whole picture because he is so concerned with making sure he adheres to company policy. Consequently, he tends to ignore the personalities involved, in favor of the "letter of the law."

CEO Job Match Rating

Steve's CEO job match rating is 61.57%.

Steve Forbes handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.