George W. BushHandwriting Analysis for George W. Bush

Personal Dynamics

When he is really interested in an activity or a project, you can expect him to pursue it conscientiously. However, when things begin to drag on too long and a dull routine sets in, he may cut back on his efforts or try to rush through the project to get it finished. He willingly considers various options and alternatives, but needs to know they are based on sound data before assimilating them into his daily life. He has the capacity to switch horses midstream and find a new course of action without getting upset, and make whatever adjustments are called for in order to move on. Once he decides upon a course of action, George has the willpower and flexibility to meet his objectives. When it becomes necessary he is able to switch gears and find a more effective way to get things done. He can normally be expected to see a project all the way through to completion unless it begins to drag on, at which point he tends to lose his patience. Do not expect him just to hang around, waiting to be told what to do all the time. Once he understands the requirements of the task, he is able to take the initiative and get things going.

Motivating Forces

His original approach allows him to find creative ways of handling problems, rather than following a more traditional path. He demands the freedom to carry out his own plan of action and adjust it as he sees fit. Creating equilibrium is very important to George. He can handle a certain amount of discord, but if it goes on for very long he will either become very unhappy or take his leave.

Ego Strength

His pride is not seriously affected when others fail to praise some accomplishment he achieves. Certainly, he values his good reputation as much as the next person, but if he knows he has done a good job, that is what is most important to him. His self-esteem is strong. He is not afraid to let others see that he feels good about himself. An animated, outgoing person with a strong sense of the dramatic, George creates an exhilarating motivational climate. He knows how to get people excited and ready to do just about anything he wants them to. He wants to do his best, always. When he sees that his work does not live up to expectations, he is willing to take pains to refine it further. Moderate and cooperative as a rule, George prefers to maintain harmonious relationships. When he feels someone is trying to take advantage of his good nature, however, he is quite capable of asserting himself. He has an adequate self-concept to help him survive the ups and downs of day-to-day life. When feeling challenged and out of his depth, he does not feel defeated, but strives to learn from the experience.

Defenses & Controls

George has a vision of the person he would like to become: mature, stable, consistent, and independent. He may appreciate having money and nice things, but his ego is not tied up with what he owns. He has more important things on his agenda. George creates reasonable social boundaries and knows where to draw the line between "telling all" and keeping personal matters private. He is not secretive, but has learned when choosing to be circumspect is the smart option. Although he may leave some details to chance, overall, George takes care of business and does an good job. He is not a perfectionist, but he does like to handle his responsibilities appropriately.

Intellectual Functions

He combines imagination with practicality to produce the results he seeks. It is important to him to get the proper facts and data in order to make good choices. He tries to learn from experience. By doing some basic analysis on what has already happened, he is better able to avoid mistakes in the future. Probably more pragmatic than idealistic, he mostly sticks to what he knows. When that is not effective enough he is capable of calling on his ingenuity to help solve problems.

Interpersonal Functions

Keeping a sense of humor helps him see the lighter side of things. He usually follows the rules of the group and makes sure that his behavior conforms to their standards. He is sensitive without being a pushover, which indicates someone who has learned the fine art of maintaining healthy social boundaries. George is not the sort to worry about things that have not happened yet. He never expects things to go wrong and can be quite unpleasantly surprised when they do.

Communication Skills

His responses are strong and swift, but he shows restraint and considers the consequences before acting on them. When there is no danger of hurting someone's feelings he prefers a candid, direct approach; otherwise, he uses a little more finesse.

Work Style

Delighted to work in a fast-paced environment where everyone is busy, George has no patience for clock-watchers or whiners. He finds it hard to relax and do nothing. George welcomes learning opportunities that lead to growth. He has an adventurous spirit and adapts himself willingly to whatever comes along. If you want him to do something, ask nicely. His cooperative nature distinguishes George as someone who is more than willing to participate on a team project. However, if the pressure is turned up too high, he is likely to retreat to a quiet place on his own. George loosely structures his time, leaving ample room for adjustments as the day progresses and things develop.

Management Skills

When George is around, you can be sure of an exciting environment where almost anything can happen. It is clear from his upbeat, dynamic attitude that he has a strong desire to have an impact on others. Dealing with conflict is not George's favorite activity. He would probably rather sweep unpleasantness under the rug if possible, and hope it goes away by itself. When pushed, however, he can handle it. George is independent enough to be left alone with a project once he knows what is expected of him, and he is enterprising enough to take it to the next level.

CEO Job Match Rating

George's CEO job match rating is 69.41%.

George W. Bush handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.