Bill BradleyHandwriting Analysis for Bill Bradley

Personal Dynamics

Regardless of what he chooses as his goals, if something more interesting comes along, Bill may have a hard time saying "no," and sticking with the original plan. His desire to achieve appears to be stronger than his willpower, which may not be powerful enough to withstand strong opposition. If he is to succeed, he may have to call on other compensatory traits, such as flexibility. He may benefit most from pursuing short-term, easily reached goals, as his persistence is just about average. When things are more or less rolling along, he should do fine. It's when there are setbacks that he could use more determination to get things finished. He is fairly independent, though that does not preclude him asking the advice of others when he is unsure of himself. Certainly, there are times when people will try to take advantage of Bill's good nature, but though he is able to adapt to various personality types, he is no pushover. He sets clear boundaries and knows when to say "no." He usually finishes what he starts, even if he has to leave it temporarily to handle something more pressing. His behavior is more or less consistent and dependable. Do not expect him just to hang around, waiting to be told what to do all the time. Once he understands the requirements of the task, he is able to take the initiative and get things going.

Motivating Forces

He is not limited by conventional thinking, but lets his inspiration take him wherever it will. His creative imagination sets him free to envision a world, which so far exists only in his mind's eye. He needs the freedom to make his own choices. Having the time, space, and autonomy to do what needs to be done energizes him. On the other hand, being restricted in any way causes frustration and even depression. While a pleasant, harmonious environment is probably Bill's first choice; he can deal with a moderate amount of dissonance. The main point is, it shouldn't continue for too long.

Ego Strength

He works hard to ensure that others see him as competent and capable. Making a mistake or using poor judgment leaves him feeling depressed and unhappy. It would be no surprise to find him staying at work on his own time to try and rectify a problem. He is comfortable drawing the line between satisfying his own needs and helping others. This signifies a well-developed ego and self-respect. Life is never dull when Bill is around. As long as he has an audience to play to, he has a way of making things exciting. He wants to do his best, always. When he sees that his work does not live up to expectations, he is willing to take pains to refine it further. His response to confrontation is more liable to be an attempt to smooth things over than getting involved in a knockdown, drag-out fight. He saves his energy for really significant events. A sense of self-belief allows him to readily accept new responsibilities. By developing his potentials over time he has come to accept himself. If threatened by major opposition, he may question his adequacy momentarily, but come out more successful than before.

Defenses & Controls

The writer is uncompromising and perfectionistic. He will not accept less than the very best, and may deprive himself of some great experiences by his refusal to make small concessions. Bill is engaged in an ongoing conflict between a compulsion to act on his impulses and the need to control them. Most often the pressure to act is too strong to resist and, in the end, he is angry with himself because he caved in. He is not the envious type, but seems generally satisfied with what he has. He doesn't make a habit of collecting a lot of stuff just so he can say he has it. Bill is not exactly secretive, but when it is important to do so, he is likely to keep private information hidden.

Intellectual Functions

Using greater discernment could potentially keep Bill from getting into trouble when faced with temptation. Common sense may tell him one thing, but his impulses are saying something else. All too often, the impulses win the battle. Bill enjoys visualizing his various plans and schemes before putting them into practice. He has the ability to see, in his mind's eye, all the possibilities in what lies ahead. Meticulous analysis is not his strong suit. He wants to put new information quickly to use, rather than expending a lot of energy investigating it. Nevertheless, when analysis is called for, he can force himself do what is necessary.

Interpersonal Functions

His friendly manner helps to promote a harmonious environment where everyone can feel that their contributions are appreciated. Bill has a way of relating to other people on their own level so that they feel he understands them. Keeping a sense of humor helps him see the lighter side of things. Bill is moderately sensitive. When he is on the receiving end of negative feedback, it may sting at first but after assessment, he analyzes what was said and tries to grow from the experience.

Communication Skills

Bill responds warmly when asked about the things and people he really cares about. Yet, while he is not liable to bring them up of his own accord, it is not hard to draw him out with a little effort. In conversation, he can maneuver around without giving a direct answer if he feels it is necessary to equivocate. However, he would probably rather just come directly to the point when it does not put him in a defensive position.

Work Style

Bill is responsive to the needs of the others in a group as long as he does not feel they are taking advantage of him. He likes getting together and collaborating as a team member, as well as spending time on his own, pondering the group discussion. His work ethic carries him through the requirements of the day, but not too much beyond that. He has a balanced view of work and playtime, and makes the most of each at the proper time. His outlook is essentially conventional, which does not mean he is unwilling to explore new notions. Bill may not rush to embrace a daring idea, but is gracious enough to listen to other beliefs and consider making changes. Bill is ready for various crises or opportunities that may disrupt his schedule. He organizes his schedule to allow for time to handle various exigencies.

Management Skills

Bill is able to lead, follow, or get out of the way, whichever is appropriate to the situation. Due to a tendency to adhere to the status quo, Bill may have some trouble dealing with conflict. He may ignore the problem and hope it will go away on its own. Especially if there is no specific written policy guideline for him to follow, he is likely to procrastinate. When he feels he has failed, it troubles him, but not unduly. He tries to use his mistakes as a tool for learning and growth.

CEO Job Match Rating

Bill's CEO job match rating is 61.93%.

Bill Bradley handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.