Gary BauerHandwriting Analysis for Gary Bauer

Personal Dynamics

He may start a project with a big burst of enthusiasm, then suddenly lose interest. Those who rely on him for input or action will sometimes be disappointed. This is not someone who waits for the road to be paved before heading out on it. A self-starter, Gary is quick to recognize opportunities and take the initiative when he sees an opening. He doesn't have a tremendous amount of endurance or determination, so he can be most successful at handling short-term projects where he can see quick results. Giving him assignments that require a great deal of long-term effort sets him up for failure. He is fairly independent, though that does not preclude him asking the advice of others when he is unsure of himself. He is open to suggestions and may yield to the thinking of others when he feels under pressure. However, when a matter is really important to him, he can be counted on to stand firm. With a moderate degree of willpower at his command, Gary has the capacity to attain his dreams and aspirations if he keeps them at reasonable levels. Setting some short-term goals that he can see materializing fairly rapidly should encourage him to go on to the more ambitious ones.

Motivating Forces

An original thinker, Gary follows a unique path, creating innovative answers to the challenges that confront him. His curiosity takes him to some interesting places where he can experiment with molding reality to suit himself. He chafes a bit when working under restrictions, but his casual use of time means he needs an exacting schedule if tasks are to be completed in a reasonable period. Gary is a peace-lover who prefers to negotiate a settlement when there is disagreement, rather than fight it out, if that is a possibility. If it is not, he will do what he can to quickly resolve the situation and get things back to normal.

Ego Strength

He enjoys being praised for his accomplishments, but praise is not the chief motivating factor behind his efforts; personal pride is. He has acquired a set of standards and principles to live by; however, he is willing to make adjustments when it seems like the right thing to do. His personal set of principles is not so rigid that he would refuse to listen to someone else's viewpoint. He is more likely to use his brains than an assertive approach when contention is in the air. Few things are critical enough for him to make them into an issue. He is aware of his own value and assumes that others are, too. He doesn't feel compelled to grab the limelight whenever the opportunity presents itself, but when it comes to him he is able to handle the attention with aplomb. Some people are crushed by the difficult events that they must face in life, but Gary is not one of them. He has learned over time to believe in himself and his ability to handle whatever comes next. Although he has not yet achieved complete self-confidence he is moving towards it. Although he is not a shrinking violet, neither does he seek out a great deal of public recognition or acknowledgment.

Defenses & Controls

If he finds himself dealing with a perfectionist, one of them is going to be frustrated, and it won't be Gary. "Good enough" is as far as he aspires. He does not have the patience to work on something long enough to make it perfect. He has a freewheeling style that suggests someone who is not overly attached to money or possessions. If he were to lose everything he had, he would be able to start over again without being totally devastated. His mercurial style indicates someone who follows his impulses with few limitations. He does what comes naturally at the moment, consequences be damned. Although he does not entirely cut himself off from others, he does draw clear social limits. A certain amount of self-protectiveness prompts him to keep much of himself private.

Intellectual Functions

A predictable routine where common sense rules drives him crazy. Crisis management, where snap decisions have to be made on the spot, are much more in line with his temperament. The most wonderful products and ideas come from the imagination. And, because he is as practical as he is imaginative, Gary's ideas can breed some awesome results. His preference is to make conclusions based on inductive reasoning rather than a more analytical approach. When he has to make an analysis, however, he is more than capable of doing so. When he gets an "Aha!" experience, he does not quite trust his intuition--at least, not until all the facts are in.

Interpersonal Functions

A deep level of sensitivity makes his heart bleed when he witnesses an injustice. Seeing someone else get hurt is like a personal affront, and just as painful as when he is on the receiving end himself. Gary uses his sense of humor to defuse difficult situations. He recognizes the need for flexibility and a joke now and then. He has a friendly, convivial style and is comfortable interacting with various types of people. At the same time, however, he does not like surprises, but wants to be prepared; therefore, he would probably prefer for you to call first and make an appointment, rather than just "dropping by". A moderate amount of resilience helps him bounce back from stressful events. If he is particularly stressed, it may take a little while longer, but sooner or later he is able to let go of painful experiences and move on.

Communication Skills

He is forthright and frank. It may not be what you wanted to hear, but you know that he means what he says, and says what he means. Gary responds warmly when asked about the things and people he really cares about. Yet, while he is not liable to bring them up of his own accord, it is not hard to draw him out with a little effort.

Work Style

He plans his work, then works his plan, focusing on his goals and allowing nothing to stand in the way of the desired results. A good DayTimer or calendar might help him keep his workspace neat and orderly, if he remembers to use it. He values supportive team-members, as well as finding opportunities to be supportive of others. He wants everyone to like each other, and when they do, he finds it easier to be a contributing member of the group.

Management Skills

Gary's strong drive for achievement and a need to set his own agenda suggest an entrepreneurial spirit that will blossom and flourish with the slightest encouragement. He does not mind failures, but is aware that they bring him closer to success. Gary's style of conflict resolution is to go by the book. He may miss seeing the whole picture because he is so concerned with making sure he adheres to company policy. Consequently, he tends to ignore the personalities involved, in favor of the "letter of the law."

CEO Job Match Rating

Gary's CEO job match rating is 63.55%.

Gary Bauer handwriting


This analysis is for entertainment purposes only.